Oral Presentation Australian Freshwater Sciences Society Conference 2018

Prevailing precarious predicaments — the life cycle of the clam shrimp Paralimnadia urukhai in gnammas near Stanthorpe, Queensland. (#99)

Brian Timms 1 , Carol Booth , Marc Newman , Justin McCann 1
  1. University of NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Although many gnammas (inland rock pools) provide predictable, reliable habitats for clam shrimps, just as many are precarious habitats. Those at Stanthorpe fluctuate seasonally between being a secure habitat in winter to a precarious habitat in summer. Couple this with the peculiarities of clam shrimp life cycles, and the conclusion that their iconic gnamma clam shrimp Paralimnadia urukhai is endangered, is inevitable. Already most Stanthorpe gnammas have too harsh a hydrological regime for clam shrimps and further climate change could restrict its distribution to just a few gnammas  with particularity favourable hydrology. This research was faciliated by two citizen scientists living nearby.