Oral Presentation Australian Freshwater Sciences Society Conference 2018

Communication for impact (#70)

Tamika Heiden 1
  1. University of Western Australia, South Perth, WA, Australia

There are many purposes for communicating science. We use it to share research with the world, build partnerships with stakeholders and collaborators, and raise our research profiles. Given the different ways in which we are communicating our work how can we know what works and when? Knowledge translation uses communication as tool for knowledge sharing for all three purposes. Importantly, it is through translation that our communication can be purposeful, targeted and influential, consequently leading to research impact.

This presentation will demystify the terminology and process of knowledge translation as a way of sharing information for impact.  It will show how and why we must tailor our messages and understand the nuances of wants and needs to build partnerships with stakeholders as well as highlight the value of raising your research profile as part of the effective communication process. This presentation will get you thinking about how you approach your communication and perhaps reframe your strategies for how, when and why you communicate your science.