Oral Presentation Australian Freshwater Sciences Society Conference 2018

Indigenous Engagement @ It’s Innovative Best (#109)

Phil Duncan 1
  1. Australian Freshwater Science Society, Pagewood, NSW, Australia

Over these millennia Indigenous people of Australia have sustainably managed their lands, waters and natural resources for the health of their Countries and their peoples. Indigenous people have understood the importance of water and its centrality to life and have cherished it accordingly. Our traditional ecological knowledge, like our stories, are passed down from generation to generation and continue up until this day. This allowed us to live in a symbiotic relationship with the land and water.  We used it, we lived from it, we nurtured it. Our use was sustainable, and continues so today, where it can.

We all understand and agree that many fish species have significant totemic values for many Indigenous people, Nations and Clans. It is vital for key Indigenous communities that fish populations are able to migrate throughout the systems. 

It is through the survival of, our stories such as this, our culture, and our traditional ecological knowledge, that my people have been able live in the driest inhabited continent on earth for tens of thousands of years, or since our Dream Time.

Right across this land called Australia, there are many cultural signposts that along with our stories guide our interactions with the environment. Our trees, ceremonial grounds / bora rings, and rivers mark boundaries for Clans and Nations. Our trees are carved with our stories, our lore, and mark boundaries as well as secret and sacred areas.

Phil’s presentation is about showcasing the need to include Indigenous peoples in the management of our freshwater environments to ensure the long term sustainability of fish populations, aquatic habitats and the protection of sites that have significant cultural heritage relevance to Indigenous peoples. The presentation is related to the consultation process with the Traditional Owners, Local Aboriginal Land Council’s as well as the range of key stakeholder groups, are carried out in an inclusive manner that is also culturally appropriate.

More importantly working with Indigenous people and engaging them in onground works also affords them the opportunity to be involved in the decision making processes and carry out their responsibility to care for their country.