Bryce Halliday Australian Freshwater Sciences Society Conference 2018

Bryce Halliday

Bryce has worked and studied in the aquatic ecology space since 2010. He completed his Honours and Masters degrees at Deakin University in Warrnambool studying aquatic ecology and the environment. Bryce’s background is in small-bodied freshwater fish, macroinvertebrates and zooplankton in southwest Victoria and the lower River Murray region in South Australia. Since joining the Ecology Australia team in 2018, Bryce has expanded his focus to include all aquatic fauna and now works across southeast Australia. As a Senior Aquatic Ecologist, he has experience with a suite of aquatic sampling techniques including fyke netting, bait trapping, electrofishing, macroinvertebrate and zooplankton netting, water quality and habitat surveying. He is a senior backpack and boat electrofishing operator and holds a Coxswains certification (Grade 3 NC). He is interested in the origin, structure, functions, and behaviour of all forms of life in freshwater, and their interactions with the environment. This includes the study of lakes, rivers and ponds and covers microbial, plant and animal life.

Abstracts this author is presenting: